• Every Sunday, 3-5pm

    A peer-led, all ages illustration club meeting at Literati Press since 2016. Free to the public.

  • Last Monday of the Month, 7pm

    A live storytelling event featuring true stories, tall tales, and bald-faced lies. All stories limited to 10 minutes or less.

  • Third Tuesday of the month, 7pm

    With a featured speaker each month, Red Dirt Poets dig deep into craft, style, and voice.

  • Fourth Tuesday of the month, 7pm

    Hand-selected books from our staff ranging from literary classics to modern mind-benders.

  • Fourth Thursday of the month, 7pm

    Romance rules in this invigorating survey of some of the steamiest writing in the market.

Envisioning Our Future

For years, Literati Press helped fill a need for educational programming focused on storytelling through a series of workshops and mentorship programs throughout the state. In 2019, ideas for a creative writing center began bouncing around, but there wasn’t the space in the Paseo Plunge to pursue this new direction in earnest. With the move to the new location in 2024, Literati Press can now provide a home for the growing community of writers, illustrators, poets, songwriters, and dramaturgists honing their craft across Oklahoma City. With workshops, performances, and other events celebrating the vast array of storytelling mediums; Literati Press will be able to cater to hobbyists, professionals, and everyone in between.

The Literati Press Consortium will also launch as a members-driven community offering peer support, private working space, and programming digging deep into the challenges and joys of professional storytelling.

The Literati Press Creative Writing Center will provide programming focused on storytelling across an array of mediums such as fiction, comics, songwriting, dramaturgy, poetry, and tabletop games.

Interested and want to be some of the first to be notified about our center? Sign up to our newsletter for updates!

Below: A few different layouts showing how the center can cater to different events and settings. 

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